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Open House Event

Thursday 28. November 2024 16:30 CET

Nyropsgade 23, 4th floor
1602 Copenhagen V



Join our Open House Event to:
  • Learn more about our  3D Digital Artist education and the career paths it unlocks.
  • Ask questions and chat with our students and staff.
  • Play games developed by our students and experience their artwork.
  • Hear about our graduates that have worked on blockbuster titles like The Avengers, Hitman, Star Wars, Hunger Games, Aladdin and many more.
  • Join our free 3D Bootcamp and get a taste of a Digital Artist's daily life.



16.30 – 17.00

'Student Islands' - Walk around the school and experience the artwork made by our students.


17.00 – 17.30

Open House Presentation - A comprehensive presentation about CADA’s 3D Digital Artist education. Discover the curriculum, tools, and techniques you will learn.


17.30 – 18.00

Questions & Answers - Your opportunity to talk with staff and students.


18.00 – 20.00

Free 3D Bootcamp - Sit in the chair of our students and get an introduction to 3D.

During the event you will discover

  • The skills and knowledge you will gain at CADA.
  • The blend of theoretical and hands-on learning in each semester.
  • The productions our students are involved in.
  • How our students finance the education.
  • The community and networking opportunities at CADA.
  • The education workload.
  • The diverse career paths CADA graduates pursue in the digital arts industry.
  • How CADA stands out from other digital arts educations.
  • And we are here to answer all your questions!

Sign Up

Sign up for the open house event