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Af Lars Mandal


Tau Tjalfe Husted Brynaa is 24 years old and living his wildest dream.

“Imagine if this could lead to me combining my passion for dinosaurs with a job where I can help bring them to life in 3D. It's crazy.”

Tjalfe has flirted with the idea of Truemax since his first year of high school, and in 2016 his dream came true.

“I saw a Truemax poster on the bulletin board at my high school, and I admit now that I took it down, took it home, and I still have it hanging in my house. I briefly thought about studying art history at university, but I realized that I would rather make art myself than read about it. For many years I had been very interested in the technical side of things, I played a lot of computer games and was interested in the technology behind them. Yes, I guess you could describe me as a bit of a nerd; my dad is an IT expert, so I probably got it from home.”

After some uncertainty and wavering, Tjalfe was convinced that Truemax was the right fit and “I haven't regretted my choice for a second.”

“I have a great time at Truemax. Every day I'm excited to have the chance to create my own things, projects that I never thought possible. I express myself creatively and I do it together with other like-minded people in well-functioning groups, it's an amazing experience to see your thoughts and ideas develop into finished works,” says a clearly excited Tjalfe and continues:

“At Truemax I have learned and experienced how positive it is to work


Tjalfe has nothing but praise for the teaching staff at Truemax, and this applies to both the permanent teachers and the guest teachers. "The teachers are all flourishing and infecting us with their great enthusiasm.

I had an expectation of classical teaching and group work, but I have discovered that the teachers and the other students constantly challenge and inspire me to do much more than I thought I could. I find that the teachers have an unconditional love for their subject, and that, to me, is something unique. I have experienced dedicated teachers in the past, but they did not have this passion, this love for their subject.

At Truemax, it's true love, it's obvious that they love what they do, and I have to promise, it's contagious.” Tjalfe has many dreams for his future, and right now he has shifted his focus from films to games, and he hopes to find an exciting job at a studio when he graduates. "I'm not necessarily looking for a big and fine international study.

The most important thing for me is that I get to work with my own characters, my own material, and my own universes, and then it won't matter if it concerns my great private passion, namely dinosaurs.

I have been deeply interested in dinosaurs since I was a little boy. I read everything I can get my hands on, study their amazing lives, and just think if my education at Truemax could lead to one day being the world's leading 3D dinosaur expert. Wild. Fascinating thoughts.”


"I hope that I can help open others' eyes to the fantastic education that Truemax offers. Look at your interests. Ask yourself if this is something you would like to work on professionally, make your hobby your livelihood. Anything is possible with this unique combination of creativity and engineering, gaming, film, modeling, and architecture.

With 3D you get all the possibilities, and Truemax is the place where talented teachers and other super creative students can help you live out your wildest dream," says Tjalfe. "I can hardly understand that it is true that I am now working in programs which, from the outside, may seem wildly complicated and inaccessible, but I have learned to tackle challenges at Truemax.

It's my daily satisfaction to see my ideas come to life, and it's crazy that I can now print out my creativity, throw it up on a big screen, go to the steakhouse and watch it, enjoy it on my PC, on YouTube, or in 3D print. Today I live out my passion and I do everything I have always dreamed of.”


Tjalfe currently lives with his girlfriend, who studies international studies at Aalborg University in Copenhagen. He became a student from Frederiksborg Gymnasium in 2013 and has previously worked as a manager of a youth center.

After his matriculation, Tjalfe went out to sail with Skoleskibet Danmark, "as I had a dream of becoming a sailor, but on the voyage I found out that it wasn't for me." Tjalfe then worked for two years as a teaching assistant in a kindergarten, while saving up for the education at Truemax, which he started in 2016.

Vidar Christiansen

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